Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Jupiter in RGB and CH4 with ASI224MC

Martin captured Jupiter in RGB and CH4 with ASI224 camera attached on big 444-mm Dobson. What Martin said about this amazing photos?

The methane image was taken during a period of good seeing with my home-built 444-mm Dobsonian working on my equatorial platform and at f18- a slightly shorter f-ratio than I would use for RGB imaging. I used the IR sensitive ASI224MC camera with a ZWO methane filter and with the R and B balance on the camera both set to 50. Like this the camera amazingly works in this region of the IR like a monochrome camera. With the gain bumped right up to nearly maximum (550) I could image at 30fps with an exposure of 30msec an amazingly short exposure for methane imaging. I took 13 one minute long videos and picked the best 75% of the best 7 videos which were combined in Winjupos using the image derotate feature.


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