Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

First Light with ASI1600MM-Cool+EFWmini+ZWO New RGBL

Haven’t been imaging for nearly one year

I joined a star party a couple of days ago

and here is my first light with our new camera ASI1600MM-Cool


This is my new portable and lightweight setup for DSO imaging

Mount: ZEQ25

Scope: 70SA 2kg Only

Imaging and Guiding system: ASI1600MM-Cool+EFWmini+ZWO New LRGB, OAG + ASI290MM for guiding  1KG total

So this imaging setup is only 3kg


All data captured at Unity Gain and 3 mins exposure for single frame

M27 L*12 R*3 G*3 B*3

M27 is very high in the sky, I just combined the RGBL together and did a DDP, I don’t even need to adjust the color

ZWO New LRGB Filters are very suitable for ASI1600,  EFWmini works great all night as well.

M8&M20 L*20 R*5 G*5 B*5


M31 L*40 R*10 G*10 B*10

This is the most difficult object!Very hard to do the post processing, anyway this is what I can do

Picture saved with settings embedded.



  • Al
    Posted November 28, 2016 at 9:40 pm

    I’m very excited about this system. When will your OAG be available? I can’t wait to get this on my AstroTech RC8..moving up from my dslr system to your ASI1600MM-C 36″ filter kit seems like the most cost effective and logical transition for me. Great products guys! Will I need any other spacers for the scope or attachments for my new QHY5III-178 guide camera?



    • Post Author
      Sam Wen
      Posted November 29, 2016 at 10:26 am

      our OAG is ready, we will upload to our site soon
      there is 1.25″ holder, so 1.25″ body should fit

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  • sikundang
    Posted April 16, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Noob question.

    Could you tell me what is the meaning of “L*40 R*10 G*10 B*10” ?

    • Sean Wang
      Posted April 17, 2017 at 5:48 am

      L:40 pictures ,etc

    • Zoltan
      Posted September 12, 2017 at 9:19 am

      Could you tell me what is the meaning of “L*40 R*10 G*10 B*10” ?
      It means 40 pieces of L (Luminocity), 10 pieces of R (red), 10 pieces of G (green), 10 pieces of B (blue)

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