Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Which debayer algorithm is the best for ASI cameras?

At our ZWO lab, we testing very new astro images processing software Astro Pixel Processor (APP). APP has many very interesting features and some of them are very unique. Many of our customers bought color DSO cameras and the very first step for all those users during image processing is choosing the right debayer algorithm. APP has a special and unique demosaic algorithm called Adaptive Airy Disc which reduces green and magenta cast in your RGB data, will improve sharpness and will make your stars rounder when compared with other algorithms, for example with well known VNG algorithm. At this test, we compared two debayer algorithms. Left, VNG – Threshold-Based Variable Number of Gradients (Pixinsight software was used) and right, AAD – Adaptive Airy Disc (Astro Pixel Processor software was used). A very clear winner is a reference image debayered with APP. Click on the image for full resolution!

This image showing the least artifacts in the background, no artifacts at the star borders, best resolution and least chromatic noise in the background!


We absolutely recommend this software for all ZWO camera users. More tutorials and recommendations for ASI camera users coming soon! Try free Astro Pixel Processor (APP)!


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