Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

ASI071MC Pro Camera, Successor of ASI071MC-COOL!


Logo-of-071 pro(最新)

Say “Goodbye!” to dew problem

ASI071MC Pro Camera completely upgrade anti-dew and mechnical body.

The diameter of the camera body is incresed to 86mm (the old 071 is 78mm).

▶6 screws seal the chamber

This new structure seal the CMOS chamber better and no dew or frost happen on sensor anymore.



This new structure will never cause air leak risk, keep the camera keep dry in any eviroment.

▶New mechnical design and Anti-Dew Heater

ASI071MC Pro has 2 stage TEC cooling system to enable very deep cooling (-35℃ below ambient). you need external power supply to power on the cooler. AC-DC power adapter is not included in this package, you can order from here.

The anti-dew heater can heat the protect window to avoid any dew problem happen on protect window, the heat power is around 6W and can be turn off  in software to save power.



Say “Hello!” to DDR III buffer

Includes one 256MB DDR3 memory buffer to help data transfer more stable and no amp-glow issue which is caused by the slow speed data transfer during reading out under USB2.0 Port.


Say “Impresive!” to noise control

ASI071MC Pro upgrade PCB board, We compared Pro with Cool version, Dark current noise is much smaller than before. Very similar to CCD camera.


▶Astrophotography Performance

ASI071MC Pro offers very good performance for astrophotography. Low read noise, high dynamic range.

071Pro Gain RN DR FW vs gain

▶Dark Current

the Dark Current of ASI071MC Pro is better controled than before with the help of  DDR buffer and new improvment of hardware design

Please check this 300s dark frame free of amp-glow:Here

071Pro DC vs T

QE Curve

we suppose the QE peak value is more than 50%



Purchase Link:  ASI071MC Pro Camera





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