Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Planetary imaging share by Martin

ML5 2017 montage

“After producing a recent Uranus image in IR showing belt detail, I realised that I had imaged all the planets in 11 months of this year (excluding our own world) and managed to capture surface detail on all of them.

All images taken from St Albans with my homebuilt Dobsonian 444mm reflector except for Mercury for which I used my 222mm home built Dob.

Not sure I’ll ever repeat this feat and only possible with good luck on Mercury and good fortune that there is current activity on Neptune”


  • Mercury ASI174MM + 742nm filter
  • Venus ASI174MM + Baader UV filter
  • Mars ASI224MC + L filter
  • Jupiter ASI174MC + L filter
  • Saturn ASI224MC + L filter combined with L channel from ASI174MM + 642nm filter
  • Uranus ASI290MM + Baader 610nm
  • Neptune ASI290MM + Baader 610nm

by Martin


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