Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

[Video] Elephant Trunk Nebula Revisited On a Clear Night, ZWO

By Chuck’s Astrophotography


The weather has been terrible lately as an invisible fog has been rolling in and getting more dense as the night went on. But last night was very clear, so I went after the Elephant Trunk nebula again (IC 1396). I plan to add OIII and SII at a later date. Here is more info:

Telescope: Celestron Newtonian 6 inch (750mm focal length, f/5)
Mount: Celestron AVX
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM-Cool (mono)
Filters: Ha=23×300″ (1 hour, 55 minutes)
Guide scope: Orion ST80
Guide Camera: Lodestar X2
Guide Software: PHD2
Darks: 50, Bias: 100, Flats: 20 (for each filter)
Capture software: Nebulosity
Post Processing: DeekSkyStacker, PixInsight, Photoshop
Dew Shield, Dew Heater Strip


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