Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

[Video] New ZWO Guide Scope and PHD2 Settings

by Chuck’s Astrophotography



Trying to perfect autoguiding seems like a never ending process. So I ordered a new ZWO guide scope. It has a 280mm focal length and a focal ratio of f/4.6. I bought this guide scope to serve as replacement for my previous one which has a focal length of only 190mm. At the end of the video, I show the setup steps to adjust PHD2 for the new scope. Here is more info on the ZWO guide scope:

Aperture: 60mm
Focal Length: 280mm
Focal Ratio: f/4.6
Optics: Multi-coated, cemented lens
Focus Travel: 30mm (1.18″)
Focuser: Helical
Rings: Dual rings with a total of six alignment screws
Dovetail: Underside has five 1/4″ screw holes for mounting
Weight: 640g (1.4 lb.)


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