Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Chuck’s image has been selected For APOD!

Congratulations! Chuck!

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My sun animation has been selected as the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) for June 18, 2018. This prominence was captured with the ASI183MM camera and Daystar Quark. Below is a complete list of the hardware and software.

List of the hardware and software
Imaging Telescope Orion ED80T CF
Imaging Camera ZWO ASI183MM (non-cooled)
Filter Daystar Quark (chromosphere)
Focuser MoonLite Electronic-Focuser
Mount Celestron AVX Capture
Software SharpCap 3.1
Stacking Software AutoStakkert 3.0.14
Post Processing PixInsight, PhotoShop, ImPPG
Stacking Software AutoStakkert 3.0.14


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