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[ASIAIR GUIDE] How to transfer images from ASIAIR (UPDATED)

About half a year ago, we posted a tutorial on how to transfer images from ASIAIR, and proposed three solutions. As time goes by, the ASIAIR application has gone through many times of iterations. Also considering the comprehensive upgrade in the hardware of ASIAIR PRO, some of these 3 ways are no longer recommended now.

So here we re-write this tutorial. Hope it can help you guys a bit.

Method One: External Storage Device

The first is the most recommended: Using an external storage device.

There is a 64GB USB memory stick in the package box of ASIAIR PRO. It will be auto-recognized when you plug it into ASIAIR PRO.


The USB flash disk coming with the package

Let’s go “Storage Settings” on the application. You can see clearly how much memory space you now have here.


ASIAIR – Storage Settings

Choose the SD card, hit “Image management”. As all images saved in the SD card are all listed here, it’s very easy for you to choose the target files.

(P.S. A new function called “Image Preview” was added in the version 1.4.2, which allows you to preview the saved images on ASIAIR application without using other software on the computer)


In “Image Management”, select the image files and copy to the USB memory stick. Then plug off the memory stick and connect it with the computer – I’m sure you know what to do next.

You can also move the image files or delete them in “Image Management”. It’s all your choice.


Method Two: WiFi Station Mode

Connect ASIAIR to your WiFi router via WiFi Station Mode, press on the exclamation point to achieve the IP address.



WiFi Station Mode – IP Address

Open the File Manager on your computer, type the IP address you just achieved.

Done! You are free to visit the shared directory of ASIAIR now. Just copy the ones you like to your computer hard drives ^^

shared directory

The shared directory

Only three points you might need to take care with:

1. For different operation systems, the ways to access the shared directory are different.

Windows: Type the IP address in the address bar of the File Manager.

MacOS: In the Finder on your Mac, choose Go > Connect to Server. Then type the network address.

2. Your computers should be equipped with wireless network cards. Same with Method 3 and Method 4.

3. You will find an ASIAIR shared directory which is set to read-only for security. You can only copy the files from this location to your computer. We advise you delete the files from ASIAIR application after you done transferring.

Method Three: ASIAIR WiFi Connection

Connect your computer to the ASIAIR Wi-Fi network, open the computer File Manager and type \\ in the address bar.

Then copy the read-only files like what you do in Method three.


Method Four: Wired LAN Connection

This method is similar to using the Wi-Fi connection but this time utilizes the wired LAN connection.

Connect the ASIAIR to your network via a LAN cable port, check “Wired Ethernet” and access the IP address in the detailed page.

Open the computer File Manager and type the IP address in the address bar.




You may find the method two and method three quite similar at the first glance. However, they have quite distinct differences.

The WiFi Station Mode is made to greatly expand the transmission range of ASIAIR, which will benefit the remote operation for sure. You can leave your setup outside of the house and control them via ASIAIR application in anywhere of your house. Stay warm and transfer the image files in a very relaxing way! But it has one necessary precondition — You need to have the wireless LAN at your shooting place. It’s not a big deal when you are at home, but if you come into the wild, it can be a problem.

The ASIAIR WiFi network, in contrast, it does not need the wireless LAN to work but the signal transmission range is very limited.

As for Method four, the wired LAN connection, it aslo has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is its transmission speed is relatively fast compared with other methods. The disadvantage is it can be really troublesome and messy in your shooting place. You’ll have to use a long cable to connect the WiFi router to your ASIAIR PRO. So we do not recommend this method.


Thus, in conclusion, the most recommended method to transfer image files from ASIAIR is still using the external storage device.



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