Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

The Explaination and Rules for ASIAIR Plus Experience Officers Project

What are ASIAIR Plus Experience Officers?

ASIAIR Plus Experience Officers are the selected people who used to be the owners of ASIAIR PRO. They are interested in testing and reviewing the new ASIAIR Plus, and love to help ASIAIR Plus with its development and improvement.

As a reward, ZWO gives honor and special rights to experience officers, such as a $100 off discount coupon and expediting delivery.

To join the Experience Officers team, you’ll need to fill in an application form first:

Application form - screenshot

The deadline for application: 9/15/2021.


What do we offer?

  1. $100 off discount coupon for you to buy ASIAIR Plus.
  • ZWO will view all application forms carefully. Once you are selected, we will contact you via email to give you the coupon.
  • The coupon can only be used for your payment for ASIAIR Plus on the ZWO site.
  • The shortlist will also be announced in the ASIAIR Facebook group, no later than 9/21/2021.
  1. Expediting delivery – 2 months earlier than the usual delivery date.
  • For lack of materials, the delivery time of ASIAIR Plus is assumed to be delayed to November. But if you become one of the Experience Officers, you will be able to get it earlier than expect – in September. Without doubt, the quantity of this batch for this project will very limited.


What do we need?

Since the original ASIAIR (the first generation) was released in 2018, one of our primary goals has always been removing the learning curve struggles, making astrophotography fun, easy and accessible to every astronomy amateur. The new ASIAIR Plus added many new features compare to ASIAIR PRO, such as the dual-band antenna, real-time power monitoring and USB-C port, etc. However, that’s far from enough, we wish to continue to improve ASIAIR Plus and bring the wonder of astrophotography to more people – that’s why we need your help.

Here are what we need from our Experience Officers:

  1. Reviews: Both articles or videos will be fine, or some Facebook & Instagram posts, threads in astronomical forums…
  2. Feedback & suggestions: You are very welcome to tell us your feedback at any time when you are using ASIAIR Plus.


Some tips for our Experience Officers:

1. Keep us informed of what you have done for ASIAIR Plus

It is necessary to let us know after you publish your reviews on the Internet. You can contact us at to tell us what you do for ASIAIR Plus. Some URLs directly leading to the web pages will be very helpful for us to check the content. Also, if you are writing posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, please add the hashtag #ASIAIRPlus so that we can find your posts without getting lost in the massive online traffic.

2. The theme of your reviews must be ASIAIR Plus

The reviews, no matter in what forms, articles or videos or online threads or something else, whose topic should always be ASIAIR Plus.

3. Better to join the ASIAIR Facebook group

It is recommended for all ASIAIR Plus Experience Officers to join the ASIAIR Facebook group to get more information of ASIAIR Plus, to communicate with other users, and to be timely informed of the latest news & announcements from ZWO.

4. Apply before 9/15/2021

The deadline for application is 9/15/2021. Though everyone has an equal opportunity to get involved, the sooner you submit the application form, the larger chance you might have to get a place. Like we said before, the total number of ASIAIR Plus Experience Officers is very limited.

5. Publish your reviews before 10/10/2021

The deadline for you to publish your reviews is 10/10/2021. Please do contact us when you complete your reviews. A good interactive relation between us on this project will surely be beneficial for our further possible collaboration. Every year ZWO has several products to be released. So accordingly, by the time when we choose testers for them, the Experience Officers who used to cooperate well with us will be our priority.

6. You are welcome to give us your feedback anytime!

After 10/10/2021, you will be a free ELF if you have already completed your reviews on ASIAIR Plus. We won’t have any other requirements for you by then. But you are ALWAYS welcome if you have any feedback or suggestions, you can contact us and discuss with us your thoughts and problems via emails or the ZWO support page: We ALWAYS love to help!


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