Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

ZWO AM5 Mount DESIGN TO WIN Competition is here!

 Join Us in Making a Difference

ZWO believe in the power of many, and our journey to inspire, innovate and discover must be an inclusive one. At ZWO, we are curious about the universe, and we believe good observations and aesthetics come from anywhere. Therefore, we want to open up our product development to the collective brain to co-create the front panel of the ZWO AM5 mount.

AM5 Front


How it works?

Use your talent to design the black front panel of the ZWO AM5 mount.

  • How to Enter

  1. Create your design using any platform or tool you like.
  2. Write an artist’s statement – tell us what you have drawn and the story behind it.
  3. Submit your entry to ZWO via email by the deadline: February 28, 2022 at 11:59PM UTC+8.

Image resolution: 300dpi

Color or mono: Only mono accepted (black and white)

Image size: ≥1000*1000 pixels

Image format: JPG \ PNG

Note: In the email submission, please also include your name, the title of work and your contact information. Please keep your source file in .PSD or .AI format. If your entry is selected, we will ask you to provide the source file.

  • Judging Criteria

Your design will be judged by ZWO judges on the following parameters:

  1. Artistic merit
  2. Relation to the theme: ZWO AM5 Mount and astrophotography
  3. Theme Communication: how well the contest theme is expressed in both the artwork and the written statement

ZWO judges will select 3 finalists whose work will be posted on ZWO Facebook page on March 4, 2022. The finalist receives most likes wins the competition.



The winner of the contest will win a ZWO AM5 Mount, Tripod and the winner’s design will be used on all future manufactured AM5 mounts.

The TOP 20 will win a 20% discount voucher.



Terms and Conditions

By entering the ZWO AM5 Mount DESIGN TO WIN competition, entrants are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The sponsor is Suzhou ZWO CO., LTD. If you have any questions about this design competition, you are welcome to contact us at
  2. Entry is open to worldwide astronomy amateurs. Any person who submits an entry under these terms and conditions is described as the “Entrant” in these terms and conditions.
  3. All entries should be sent to We will confirm receipt of your submission in 2 work days.
  4. Up to three submissions per entrant.
  5. The winner’s name and design will be published on ZWO social media pages on March 11, 2022.




  1. If the Sponsor, having used reasonable efforts, is unable to contact the winner after 30 days the competition ended, then the prize is forfeited to the second-place entrant, as judged by Facebook users based on the Facebook likes, and the second-place entrant will be contacted and get the prize.
  2. Entrants warrant that:

1) The entry is the entrant’s original work. If it involves plagiarism of other people’s work and infringement of others’ portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, copyrights and other rights, the legal and civil responsibilities shall be borne by the contributors independently. ZWO as the organizer disclaims responsibility.

2) The work should not yet be published in any form before, except this competition.

3) If there exists important elements of similarity or large areas of similarity in entries, only the eldest of submission shall be accepted in this competition.  

4) Once the entry is found to be involved in infringement or plagiarism, the author will be immediately disqualified from this competition. The author will also bear all the reputation and actual losses of ZWO in this activity.

5) ZWO has obtained relevant consents and permissions from the final winner in relation to the use of his/her image. ZWO owns the intellectual property rights (including copyright and trademark) of the work, also has the right to modify it in potential scenarios.

6)    All persons to be solicited in the ZWO AM5 Mount Design to Win competition are considered accepting this declaration, no confirmation in written or in other ways needed.


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