How we met Liron Nagar Feibish?
We met Liron Nagar Feibish at the ZWO Christmas Tree Cluster imaging challenge event. She was one of the three final winners. It is a really rare chance for us to meet female astrophotographers (no offense to all female APers). In our daily work, about 90% of astrophotography amateurs, we believe, are men. So as a female practitioner in astrophotography, we think it is necessary to share her story to the public.

” I think I’m the only female in Israel that does astrophotography… we are not a large community in here. And no woman in this field…”, said Liron.
We asked Liron why she loves astrophotography, and she told us that ever since she was 9 years old, she became fascinated by the night sky. During her childhood, she read a lot of popular science articles in magazines and on the Internet about astronomy. Then when it came to her 20’s, she worked at an observatory as an astronomy instructor. That was the time she bought her first Telescope. As the years went by, she met more and more astrophotographers – she then absolutely fell in love with the field!

Now in her thirties, Liron has been on the astrophotography journey for about one year. Though she has captured so many great astrophotos, including the stunning Christmas Tree Cluster photo she submitted to our photo contest which eventually became one of the three winning photos, she still considers herself a beginner.
“I still have a lot to learn, and the learning never stops”, said Liron.

The ASI2600MC Pro is now the camera she usually uses as the main camera. She also uses an ASI120MC as the guide camera. The OSC camera is convenient to use and good quality. Liron used to capture an amazing Dolphin head nebula with this camera. Her next plan is to buy another telescope and a monochrome camera. Surly imaging with a monochrome camera will be more complicated than with an OSC camera. But passion can overcome all troubles – who can resist the temptation of great astrophotos with more details, more delicate clouds and higher contrast background?

In our interview, Liron also mentioned:
“When I first got into this wonderful hobby of astrophotography, I noticed that not enough women are astrophotographers. And the few I know from the social media are truly amazing the talented. I’m getting a lot of positive comments to my images from many women, my aim is to show that although the equipment is often heavy and requires a lot of investment and many sleepless nights and knowledge of how to control software and overcome obstacles, it is absolutely possible.”
Liron has proved that women can also get great achievements in this field. We believe she will motivate more and more female astronomy amateurs to get into this hobby in the future.