Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Amazing Saturn images from Darryl with ASI174MM

We are glad to see such wonderful images from Darryl and seems ASI174 did a good job than ASI120.

Here is the post from Darryl’s Facebook page:
“Instead of heading out into the countryside we imaged from home 2 mornings ago: I mentioned on a forum that when I was discussing the ASI174MM with Sam we both realised it would be a very good Lunar & Solar imaging camera but were unsure just how good it would be as a planetary camera – based on the limited use due to the weather in the last couple of months I have a brief but simple appraisal…it is SUPERB!!! Thanks Sam…this is probably a personal best from us despite being “Saturn freaks” & to think the seeing was certainly not “top notch” as one can see from the collimation image in the top L.H. corner – what I term a “reasonable” pattern in the seeing but one where wanting to start imaging along with the noticeable turbulence had us decide these DR’s were “fair enough.” Hats off to Sam & the ASI174MM – another step forward in planetary imaging capabilities for sure…we look forward to the next few weeks with Saturn approaching opposition! wink emoticon”

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