Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

Seeing in DSO astrography does really matter

Astrography under a good astronomical seeing is the main desire for astronomers all around the world. Seeing is the most important factor for DSO or planetary image quality. Practically all professional observatories are located on locations with sub-second seeing, where seeing values are below 1 arcsec, but amateur astronomers are doing astrography under the sky where is the common seeing between 2…

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ZWO showed new features at exhibitions floor NEAIC & NEAF 2017

ZWO team in April 2017 visited two very popular exhibitions in US, Northeast Astro-Imaging Conference (NEAIC) and Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF). On both exhibition floors, we showed our products; planetary cameras , cooled cameras, filters,filter wheels and our wide range of accessories for astrography. On exhibitions, we also show two new ZWO products. We presented our Android application ASICAP which enable ASI…

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